We are very to announce our newest members Engineering Contracting CO LLC - As one of the most established and diverse contracting companies in the UAE, ECC offers unified contracting services to enable the most innovative and cost-effective value engineering solutions for it.
We are very happy to announce our Ambassadors of the BITA International chapter! Rock Sports Group - We believe elite athletes are not machines. And they are certainly not assets to be leveraged or brands to be exploited. They are phenomenally talented individuals who need to be encouraged, advised and supported. So, they can be the best they can be. So, they can realize their dreams. A modern professional athlete is a significant employer with significant responsibilities.
Exciting news from our Gold Sponsors Krol Corlett Construction - they've just completed a fantastic new rebrand, they will be updating there website soon and we think it looks amazing! :)
We are very happy to announce our Ambassadors of the BITA International chapter!
Poland Ambassador, Sylwia Biczyk
Ukraine Ambassador, Stanislav Shport of Remount House
Mexico Ambassador, Ricardo Reynoso of International Commerce Consultants
Australia Ambassador, Gearoid Considine of Brightside Consultants
A very warm welcome to our Ambassadors of the BITA International chapter!
UAE and KSA Ambassador, Jim Healy of NuLumenTek
Dubai Ambassador, Mark Dutton of MD Consultancy Services
Tunisia Ambassador, Niina Keituri-BenMabrouk of Niina Communications