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Based on Annie Page's book 'Thrive Through Transition' you can now work directly with Annie as you embark on a transformational journey that will empower you to steer your business through change and achieve unprecedented growth. As an experienced business owner, you're no stranger to challenges, but these sessions are designed to equip you with the tools and strategies you need to not just survive change, but thrive in it.

What you get...

1 day or 6 Live Sessions with Annie Page

Annie Page, will be your guide throughout this transformational journey. With over a decade of experience, Annie has helped numerous businesses successfully navigate change and achieve growth. You will have a set weekly live sessions where she'll personally guide you through the intricacies of thriving through transition.

What if you identified and overcame the barriers that are hindering your progress?

Bring your Outcome and Goals to life, by understanding the reasons why you are holding back and putting up barriers in the way of your achievements.

Learn, Reflect, and Adapt

Transition doesn't end with the course. We'll teach you how to continuously learn from your experiences, reflect on your progress, and adapt your strategies as needed. This cycle of improvement will become second nature, ensuring your business stays agile and resilient in the face of any challenge.

Proven Strategies from Sports and Business

Annie's research into successful transitions from sports careers to thriving businesses has uncovered invaluable insights. We'll explore mindset patterns that have enabled athletes to excel in new careers, and adapt these principles to your business context. Discover the winning mindset that paves the way for sustainable growth.

Actionable Steps and Hands-On Learning

It's not just theory. Our sessions is built on practicality. Each week, you'll identify specific actions to take in your business. These aren't mere theoretical exercises – they're actionable steps that will help you implement change and see tangible results. By the end of the sessions, you will have your own plan and will have transformed your approach to change and growth.


Email me at [email protected] or book a discovery call with me now to find out if this is the right fit for you -

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